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Global Oil & Gas Engineering: Tender Planning

Updated: May 13, 2018


A global engineering firm has engineering teams across the world collaborating to plan tenders for multi-billion dollar engineering projects. Each team use their own methods and tools to plan their portion of the project, leading to inconsistencies, no shared visibility, high level of review and correction effort, large amount of rework for transition of plans to delivery once the tender is won.

Our Microsoft PPM Solution:

Establishing a central planning system shared by all teams. Tenders are segmented into subprojects planned by the respective regions. Work breakdown structures are templated for easy re-use, and a global consistently coded resource pool is fully harmonized with SAP coding structures. Data is pushed into the organisation's data warehouse.


The solution has reduced tender risk and effort and accelerated tender creation. Transition to delivery is seamless, collaboration and shared visibility vastly improved. Automated reporting ensures much improved visibility of tenders.


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